Thursday, June 28, 2012

Zumba Exercises: Who Can Do Them And Who Should Avoid Them

Zumba exercises are being touted as the newest fun way to lose weight, Zumba instructors call it "exercise in disguise", but this doesn't mean that Zumba is easy. On the contrary, Zumba will leave you panting and sweating as you get going. So is it suitable for everyone?
What Kind Of People Take Zumba Classes?

Zumba classes are fantastic for bringing people of all shapes, sizes and ages together. The key premise is to have fun, and the workouts are suitable for just about everyone. Kids are even invited to certain Zumba classes! Even if you're very overweight, you can take it at your own pace until your stamina improves.

If you're pregnant, Zumba exercises are still a possibility. However, it all depends on your level of activity before you became pregnant. If you're not used to aerobic exercise then it's not usually a good idea to start during pregnancy. Always ask your doctor before proceeding.

What About Older Participants?

Zumba Gold classes have been designed specifically with the older generation in mind. It's the same premise, just slightly altered to suit the fitness levels of the baby boomers. For those who have specific physical issues, it's a good idea to ask your instructor before you begin. Many are happy to advise you on how to take part in a regular Zumba class at your own pace. Some classes are even designed to be followed from the comfort of a chair, if you need to.

If You Know You're Out Of Shape...

If you're out of shape, that is you don't regularly exercise and find you get tired out quickly, then you should always approach any new form of exercise with caution. Listen to your body, and know your own limits. Yes, you will probably be tired out after a Zumba session, but you'll notice the improvements week on week. Remember, if you're in any doubt you should always visit a doctor for advice.

What About Zumba At Home?

There are a variety of Zumba games and DVDs that'll teach you how to do the Zumba exercises from home. These are generally safe, and are often designed at a more basic level than some Zumba classes. The main risk with an at-home option is that you may not have the motivation to really push yourself to burn those calories! If you do decide to do Zumba at home, the same rules as above still apply: listen to your body, and visit a doctor if you experience any problems.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Zumba Toning

What Can You Expect From A Zumba Toning Basic Workout?

Zumba Toning is the dance fitness craze that is slowly taking the world by storm. The best thing about the Zumba basic workout is the fact that it's fun! Unlike traditional aerobics, this workout is disguised in the form of a fun dance. Don't let that fool you though: you will be getting a full body workout in your Zumba class. But what exactly can you expect?

How A Typical Class Works

Zumba Toning classes are fun, but don't expect them to easy. They will require you to work hard! That said, you don't need to have any experience in dance to join in.

Your class will usually take place in a traditional dance/ exercise studio with the instructor demonstrating the moves at the front of the class. There are often mirrors to make it easier to see what's going on. Classes typically last for one hour, with a warm-up at the beginning and cool-down/ stretching at the end.

The good news is that it's nearly impossible for a Zumba Toning class to get boring. The music is a mix of samba, merengue, cumbia and reggaeton. Each track is different from the last one, and a new dance routine comes into effect as the music changes.

Depending on your current fitness levels, you'll probably start to sweat early on in the class. It helps to wear sweatbands to wipe this away from your face as you dance.

What Are The Moves Like?

Any Zumba Toning basic workout will depend on what the instructor is like. Some of the common moves include cha-cha-chas, mambas, side touches and V-steps. It can be difficult to keep up at first, when you have no experience with this kind of dance. However, the more you repeat it then more you'll find that it sinks in.

What If You Can't Dance?

Let's face it, we aren't all born with the gift of coordination. If you've not got the best rhythm, or feel you have "two left feet" when it comes to dancing, can you still benefit from a Zumba basic workout?

Yes, you may find it difficult at first, but this is true with anything new. Just with anything else, however, you'll find that it gets easier as you go along. The best thing about the Zumba Toning basic workout is that you can start at beginner level. Nobody is scrutinizing your dancing skills here; it's all about having fun along with the music! As long as you're moving, even if you don't get the moves just right, you're doing it right!

What If I Don't Enjoy Zumba?

Although few of us associate exercise with fun, Zumba Toning is meant to be just that. The only way you can decide whether or not it's for you is to try it out! Most people find it a great way to burn calories - a lot more fun than working out at the gym. That said, most instructors will let you test out the class once before you make a decision to stay or not. That's is typical for Zumba Toning.

Zumba Wii

The Benefits Of Zumba  Wii As A Workout

Zumba Wii is a form of dance workout - some say a big party - that helps people to get fit while having fun. It was first developed by aerobics instructor Beto Perez in the 1990s, as he forgot his traditional music CDs and used latin beats instead. The dance incorporates a number of moves, and the benefits of Zumba Wii include toning, weight loss, and general wellbeing. If you want to know more, just keep reading.

How Zumba Wii Helps Get You Fit

Zumba is primarily a cardio workout. This means that it gets your heart pumping, helping to burn calories and fat. As a result, you'll tone your body and increase your stamina. Remember, cardio exercise should be incorporated into your daily routine. You should try to do some sort of cardio workout five days a week if you want to achieve the best results. Many people mix Zumba with other weekly activities to achieve the level of fitness they're looking for.

Additional Benefits Of Zumba Wii: Good For The Body AND Soul!

But what about the additional benefits of the Zumba Wii moves? Don't forget, you're dancing while working out. This means you're improving your coordination and your sense of rhythm, and learning a new skill at the same time as getting fit! Not many other exercise classes can boast the same benefits.

The best thing about Zumba is that it makes people smile. Ever wonder why people are so enthusiastic about Zumba when you ask them about it? It's because it's fun! Dancing and smiling not only helps to improve fitness, it boosts self esteem and helps to ease away the stresses of the day.

How Many Calories Can You Burn From Zumba?

The benefits of Zumba will differ from person to person, depending on the effort you put into your classes, and your own physical make-up. The good news is that most people will burn anywhere from 450-1000 calories during a one hour session. Remember, it depends on your level of experience too. As you progress, your instructor can intensify the workout, upping the calorie count even further.

Is Zumba Good For Weight Loss?

As you can see above, Zumba will help you to burn calories, which should help you to lose weight. But there's more involved in losing weight than simply burning calories. You should try to stick to a healthy diet, and combine the cardio exercise from Zumba with weight training (this helps to boost the calorie burning).

Many Zumba Wii addicts say that the main benefits of Zumba are that it's fun, and that it's something they want to keep doing. Whether you're trying to lose weight or simply get fit, finding something that you won't give up on is half the battle and Zumba Wii may just fit the bill.

Zumba Toning Sticks

There are many Zumba training classes, some ustilize the Zumba Toning Sticks and some don't.  Most are marketed for all kinds of people in various shapes and sizes.  finding a class that fits your needs should be easy as there are a number of different types of class available. Use this as a guide to find the most appropriate class for you and to find those that use Zumba Toning Sticks.

The Below Uses Zumba Toning Sticks

Zumba Toning: These Zumba training classes add more of a toning focus onto the traditional cardio element of Zumba. Classes focus on key areas of the body, and students make use of Zumba Toning Sticks to help achieve the best results. This type of class is also available for the older generation in the form of "Zumba Gold-Toning".

the below Don't Utilize the Zumba Toning Sticks

Original Zumba: The original Zumba class makes use of salsa, merengue, cumbia and reggaeton music as a setting for a number of energetic dance moves.

Zumba Gold: Zumba Gold is a modified version of the original Zumba class. The pace and moves have been changed slightly to suit the needs of the baby boomer generation, but classes are still based around broadly similar moves performed to Latin music.

Zumbatomic: If you've got kids who you think might enjoy the fun Zumba dance moves then Zumbatomic is for them. Designed for kids aged between 4 and 12, this workout is a fun way for kids to get the exercise they need without even knowing it. For them, it's all about enjoying themselves! 

Aqua Zumba: You may have heard of aqua aerobics; now it's time for aqua Zumba! This takes the traditional Zumba moves into the pool, where you'll feel the friction of the water encourage your muscles to work harder as you move to the music. The benefit of this kind of exercise in water is that it takes the pressure off your joints - perfect for all ages. 

Zumba In The Circuit: This final form of Zumba combines traditional Zumba with circuit training in one class.

Extra Elements: In truth, the exact moves you'll perform in your Zumba training classes very much depend on your instructor. Some are known to incorporate other styles of dance, such as belly dancing or hip hop. If you're not sure what to expect, just ask before you sign up for a class.

A Note On Training Classes

Remember, Zumba training classes should only ever be taught by qualified fitness instructors. Before you sign up for a class, always check the credentials of the instructor first. The official Zumba website at has a searchable database if you need any help finding someone qualified in your area. If you want to use the Zumba Toning Sticks make sure you find the right class for you.